"Why do some people work less,earn more,pay less in taxes,and feel more financially secure than others?It is a matter of knowing which quadrant to work from and when  This is for people who are ready to make significant professional and financial improvement and want to move from the Industrial Age to the Information Age  This is about choosing new options,new directions,and a new financial future"
-Robert T.kiyosaki-

"My Rich Dad said, "Owning a home and saving money is really risky. Investing in properties is more intelligent."
The poor and middle class sink their life savings into a mortgage because they think it's the safest way to become rich. Then they prepare for retirement by sinking any extra cash into their 401(k)s. They'll say things like, "Real estate is not as liquid as stocks and mutual funds." To them, I reply, "Every month, Kim and I receive tens of thousands of dollars in rental income as well as income from tax advantages. That is the kind of liquidity we want!"
It takes very little financial education to invest the way the poor and middle class do   throwing money into a mortgage and mutual funds. Rather than get a little financial education, the poor and middle class miss out on the big real estate opportunities that are right in front of them in every kind of market.  The best real estate investors make their millions when others say the markets are “risky.”
That's why I’m excited to introduce a program that teaches you how to become an educated real estate investor."
-Robert T Kiyosaki-


A World of Opportunity Financial Freedom Online

Maybe you are reading this article because you are truly curious of what I mean by financial freedom online. We live in a world where
financial freedom is becoming a privilege for the privileged few instead of a right for everybody to enjoy. This is increasingly becoming truer by the day because of the worldwide economic recession, which has seen many jobs lost, many incomes depleted, and many lives adversely affected.

Nothing to Something

Fortunately, financial freedom can be achieved even amidst the gloom and doom. And it does not have to involve huge sums of money as capital because you can actually turn nothing into something, thanks to the power of the Internet. We are, of course, talking about financial freedom online.And in case you think that this is some sort of Internet scam and scheme that will fleece money out of your already depleted bank account, think again. Admittedly, there are online scams that promise great yields of money for little to no capital, which will inevitably turn out to be nothing more than promises made by scammers to rob unsuspecting individuals.
In reality, there are online resources that offer wise advice on achieving financial freedom by using the power of the Internet. This advice, in turn, will lead to a world of opportunity where ideas for home based businesses online are presented for your consideration. Indeed, when you are provided with advice, resources and opportunities to achieve financial freedom through your own business, there is no scam in it!
In the World Wide Web, the opportunities to make something out of nothing are many. With just a computer with an Internet connection, you can earn money, spend money, save money and, ultimately, achieve monetary freedom! Now, if that isn’t making something out of nothing, then we don’t know what else is there!

Opportunities for Financial Freedom Online

As previously mentioned, there are numerous opportunities for financial freedom online. Often, it’s a matter of finding the opportunity that best suits your monetary needs, current lifestyle, skills and talents as well as personal and professional goals. In short, with online opportunities, you get to be your own boss in more ways than one!With that said, here are just some of the ways to make money online and, hence achieve financial freedom. This is, of course, assuming that you adapt other measures to achieve this most desirable of life goals: • Use your love for words to earn income by blogging and podcasting about the things you love. Once you have gained a loyal following, companies will place ads on which you can earn affiliate income.
• Become a ghostwriter and guest writer for professional bidding sites and article directories, respectively.
• Translate documents at an hourly rate.
• Become a professional gamer, a paid game tester, and game real estate developer.
• Engage in home based businesses online like selling your stuff and those of other people on Internet auction sites like eBay, selling domain and website names, and selling your stuff on its own website. Keep in mind that whatever it is that you have to sell, somebody in the great World Wide Web will have need for it and, hence, buy it.
• Teach others about what you know that they need to know (i.e., how-to e-books and software as well as instructional videos)
• Produce applications that others can use.
Now, you might be asking where exactly does the “nothing to something” mantra in financial freedom online fits in. Well, just observe all the aforementioned examples of ways to make money online. You start out with nothing in terms of money because Internet access is free for all while most of its legitimate money-making services require little to no money at all.
What you will need instead of money is hard work, sheer determination and pure talent. Now, these personal qualities are not exactly nothing. Still, when you think of the capital necessary to launch a business in the offline world, you have to admit that no capital necessary equals to nothing!
When you have built a very solid foundation for your chosen home based businesses online, you have made something! That something is, of course, more money and, hopefully, more financial freedom.

Words of Caution

However, you must always keep in mind that more money does not necessarily mean greater financial freedom. Indeed, you have to think of the bottom line – your net worth. If you don’t know what net worth is, it’s just your assets less your liabilities. And you have better see a positive difference! Otherwise, you are in great danger of losing not just your financial freedom but your peace of mind as well. Anyways, to preserve your newfound financial freedom online, you have to adopt the following prudent financial management attitudes, to wit:• Spend less than you earn. This is very obvious since spending more than you earn will lead down the route of negative net worth, an event you want to avoid at all costs.
• Avoid debts as much as possible. Of course, there will be times when you have to incur debts to expand your home based businesses online but be very sure that your projected income from your expansion efforts can cover the debt.
• Save, save, save. You will probably think it redundant but the importance of saving and investing for your future cannot be overemphasized. However, be very sure that you don’t fall for the likes of Bernard Madoff as well as the Internet scams and schemes.
Indeed, achieving and preserving your hard-earned financial freedom online can be hard work especially at the start. However, when you start adopting the attitudes of good fiscal management and adapting to your newfound wealth in a positive way, you can be assured that your home based businesses online will continue to offer rewards over and over again.
And so the cycle of financial freedom lives on in you! And who knows who else you can teach to turn nothing into something, thanks to the power of the online world, with hard work, sheer determination and pure talent thrown in for good measure.